We are almost at the end of another very dry month. Plants in pots especially are suffering already, and we don’t usually have to think about watering them at this time of the year. I am thinking that I must carefully consider which will be the most drought resistant plants to put in our pot displays.
We have bought 2 new water butts (there's obviously been a run on them at the stores as very few available to buy), bringing our total to 6 plus a big tank. Two weeks ago Mike pumped all the water that was in four butts into the big tank, so now we need a bit of rain to refill them. Fingers crossed!
All the spring flowers are looking good: hellebores are a delight, daffs are little rays of sunshine, with pulmonarias, brunnera, primroses and grapehyacinths all adding to the kaleidoscope of colours.
The blossom on the Damson (Merryweather) is just coming out and the Pear (Conference and Concorde) blossom will not be far behing. Just hope we don’t get a sharp frost.
The bees have been very active on the last few warm and sunny days – mostly bumblebees. We try to use plants that will attract the pollinators to our garden, we think it is very important to encourage them as they are seemingly in decline.
Most of the garden has now been tidied up and mulched, just a couple of beds left to do. The grass in the lower garden was treated with weed, feed and moss kill last weekend and all the grass should get its first cut of the year this weekend.