Opening times: 1pm - 5pm.
Entrance £6.00 (to all 4 gardens). Children Free.
Homemade Teas served at Boundes End £3.50
There will also be three other gardens open – tickets and maps at Boundes End.
25 June 2023
Opening times: 1pm - 5pm.
Entrance £6.00 (to all 4 gardens). Children Free.
Homemade Teas served at Boundes End £3.50
There will also be three other gardens open – tickets and maps at Boundes End.
02 July 2023
Opening times: 1pm - 5pm.
Entrance £6.00 (to all 3 gardens). Children Free.
Homemade Teas served at Boundes End £3.50
There will also be three other gardens open – tickets and maps at Boundes End.
Boundes End will be open for private group visits from the end of June until the end of August.
Admission; £10 per person, which includes refreshments and introductory talk.
Homemade teas – please let me know your requirements in advance.
Gluten Free and Dairy Free cakes usually available.
On all Open garden dates there will be plants and cards for sale.